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Vendor: Exalted Funeral
Product Type : Role-Playing Games
This is a fully licensed educational programme for serious students of History.
It is by no means a comprehensive manual for running imaginative, Mediaeval-themed role-playing games lovingly ripped off from the works of Monty Python
Betwixt these firm yet supple covers, one shall find everything one needs to experience the joy of Mediaeval study, from character creation and factions to ready-to-run quests and monsters – including the French! One need not be familiar with Monty Python’s work, nor is experience with ‘role-playing games’ required. If you have experience with the latter, you are probably too silly a person to participate and should stop reading immediately.
Game design and writing by Brian Saliba and Craig Schaffer
Art by Keith Lowe, Kyle Patterson, Elliot Lang, Julia Bangert, Zachary Pullen, and Irina Shirokova
Layout and graphic design by Chris Doughman and Chandler Kennedy
Editing by Chant Evans and Ben Sumner